Plein air painting ... one of my favorite things in life. In workshops I am always asked how I shifted my career and changed my life. I have always answered inadequately, but having reflected on this question, I will answer it in four blogs:
1. Finding positive people in your life;
2. Setting time priorities and direction in your life ;
3. Becoming technically good in your painting skills; and
2. Setting time priorities and direction in your life ;
3. Becoming technically good in your painting skills; and
4. Dealing with the business issues.
Each of the above areas is of great importance. The first is more important than we realize as positive people build your self confidence.
Image this scenario...you are feeling unsettled. You love art and enjoy making it, and are eating and breathing art, yet you feel FEAR about the prospect of changing careers and your life. What about all the people who need you? What about money? Will you do harm to people?
You have read Joseph Campbell's "The Power of Myth" and you realize you are slowly dying. You need to muster courage to make a change, but fear is holding its own.
Although you are passionate about painting, you have not yet received sufficient affirmation from the outside world that you are accomplished. Do you still take the plunge? Will jumping apply too much pressure ? Do you have someone who fully supports your dream of being a full-time artist?
We all need help. As a past attorney I was fortunate enough to be around positive, successful people. The most sophisticated, successful people are always seeking help because they have the confidence to know they don't know everything. Confident people willingly seek information and knowledge and surround themselves with supportive people. They are very adept at recognizing positive people and people who are giving.
You can muster courage in small steps . The words "Small incremental success steps are better than failure" can be of great use. Fear can and must be overcome for you to own your new career and pursue the happiness you deserve. It is important not to over-think it or bite off more than you can chew; if you feel fear break it down into smaller steps.
By surrounding yourself with positive and energetic people you will be more successful and much happier. When people around you have a negative slant, you don't even know they are eroding your confidence. They find reasons or claim their circumstance will not allow them to embrace life. According to all studies fortunately these are nothing more than habits that can be relearned by every person willing to change.
Choose humble yet confident support people to help you with your career transition. Arrogance, aloofness, jealousy, playing games and teaching others lessons by force and power or manipulation is immature. Dealing with arrogant people saps energy and wastes valuable time.
BE HUMBLE yet confident. Arrogance, even if you are good, is distasteful. Only insecure people are drawn to arrogant people.
Deal with negatives quickly, don't let things fester and become bigger. Be grateful and let people know often how much you appreciate their support often.

" Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life,
the whole aim and end of human existence" Aristotle
Your top priority in your career is to make your ART BETTER. Positive people will help you make small incremental steps toward success. Workshops and positive teachers and critiques will pave the path for a more optimistic view and allay your fears.
Don't be afraid; many other people have done it you can do it. It just takes gaining knowledge, observing great art, putting "mile on the paintbrush", and being ignited in a forward direction. Always ask what makes a painting good? I love being around the people who are confident they can do it.
Your cup is half full if you choose to see it that way. Remind yourself daily of the gifts you have. The benefit of supportive people is they make it easier to see life as half full and thus to climb to greater heights. Just a little each day shifts the tides.
This blog has been a while in the making and I was unsure about publishing it, but I just received a email from a very excited artist who had recently been accepted in a very nice show. I would not be getting such an email if I had not changed careers. The realization that others became artists and the hints they gave of how they did it, helped me immensely.
What a damn joy to be climbing a mountain with my painting gear. The top picture symbolizes change, and where all the inspiration for a painting starts, find your symbolic picture of you.
Next, what I learned about PRIORITIZING MY TIME .
Excellent post. Thanks for taking the time.
Your paintings are Fabulous and inspirational
Wonderful post, encouraging and inspirational. Looking forward to your next post. Your paintings are amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Awesome post and truly from the heart- can totally relate! You are a wonderful painter and generous teacher...supporting of all artists at all levels. That is appreciated by everyone. Glad to know you a bit and look forward to many painting joys in 2014! Thanks Bill!
Wonderful post! This is what I have been looking to hear from successful artists with how they started. I'm starting my art career journey and I've been faced with much uncertainty and even more questions. Looking forward to the next 3 posts. Thank you again for delving deep into this question.
Really great words of wisdom. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Hi Bill, I enjoyed reading your post. Everything you said is so important to really take to heart. Hope we are all listening! Thanks for taking the time to post this.
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