Sunday, August 28, 2011

Simplify Plein Air Paintings

Well it cant be said enough to simplify, for me my plein air paintings are to get reads of the color harmonies and values that the camera wont catch. It is all about comparing everything and learning to squint on values. I like expressive strokes, but you still need to simplify your values. I am including 3 plein air paintings 2 recently and the other years ago. It really is not that good and shows I did not know where I was headed in some areas. You will be able to see for yourself.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reflections on paint out competitions


         It is hard to reconcile competition with art, in my mind. I choose these based on the area I like and because I could teach a workshop near the area, and not what it will do for my career. In this case a buddy was on the trip which made it enjoyable and it split the costs. It also helps you gauge how you paint based on the quality of the artists. This was a real competition , we could not bring any work , all panels were stamped and had to be painted within the 2 day period. I am not sure this is the best set up, but it does put the pressure on , because we really only had 1 and 3/4 days, what if it rains for 2 days? It was very windy and my easel blew over 3 times.
          As usual , like most plein air trips my best one was not the one I thought it was going to be, and one just was not good. However, it worked out well in the end.
          Enjoy your painting, paint for yourself, and balance competitiveness, only work enjoyably to make yourself better and not to beat someone else. Enjoy growing and learning.